Minggu, 24 Juli 2011

India and China not basically adversaries

China is focussed on the United States and “just wants to keep the Indians at arm's length,” said Lee Kuan Yew, East Asia's elder statesman, at the two-day South Asian Diaspora Convention (SADC), which concluded here on Friday.

In dialogue with the delegates at the first-ever global event held under the SADC banner, Mr. Lee said he would “not see the two countries [India and China] as basically adversaries of each other.” In economic and military terms, China and India could not also be seen counter-balancing each other.

On a key concern of the South Asian diaspora, he drew attention to “the deep-seated suspicions” between India and Pakistan and their “ever-lingering fear that there could be another war.” Asked whether the Chinese diaspora offered any lessons for the South Asian, Mr. Lee said: “When they [the Indians and Pakistanis] are out of their local animosities and when they are a minority in the western countries, say in America or Europe, then their animosities disappear. But they are a minority and that's why they tend to glue together.

But, once they go back to India or go back to Pakistan, they are [again] trapped by animosities. That is not easy to resolve. China's diaspora speak the same language with different accents. Nonetheless, the closer you get to China, the closer are some of the provincial pulls.”

Declaring the SADC open on Thursday, Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong assured the 50 million people of the South Asian diaspora that the City-State “is well-positioned to be the springboard” for their engagement with the rest of Asia and the world.”

Mr. Lee said Singapore's Institute of South Asian Studies (ISAS), established to turn a laser-like focus on that region, was now tracking the global activities of South Asian diaspora.

He cited the South Asian Link, an ISAS website, and the Institute's newsletter, as the initiatives already undertaken to promote Singapore as the springboard for this diaspora's activities across the world.

The idea of SADC was first envisioned by Singapore President S.R. Nathan, a proactive leader of the South Asian diaspora. Honouring him during the convention, ISAS chairman Gopinath Pillai read out a citation tracing Mr. Nathan's long and distinguished public career. ISAS Director Tan Tai Yong praised the services of Mr. Nathan who would soon be retiring as Singapore's President after 12 successive years at the helm.


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